Sunday 24 May 2015

It's the Little Things

Bella has had another great week. There have been a couple bumps in our week but it's the little things that are making it wonderful. 
Those Eyes Though 
Day +55

The bumps: without a break in between, Bella went from the IV antibiotic: Piptaz to the next antibiotic: Vanc. Unfortunately this meant longer hook ups to the IV pump and lines. While on the Piptaz she had teething fevers. But because they have to be extra careful they kept her on the big antibiotics incase there was infection somewhere. There never was, which is so good. But the day she was done that antibiotic her results from her urine sample came back showing bacteria. So possible UTI, they had to start treating it. So on the Vanc. she went. Hooked up to IV lines for 3 1/2hrs a day now. Sigh**  Its frustrating because  she doesn't have a UTI, she shows no symptoms, but they can't take any chances because of her fragile growing new immune system. When they tried to take the clean urine sample, every single one got soiled... Cause girls poop very close to where they pee. So 6 pouches later they think they had a clean sample. Well... That one showed the bacteria in her urine, natural flora gut bacteria we are supposed to have... in our stool, not urine. So they had to treat, just incase the sample was true. 
Long story short... 7 full days on this IV med, no possible discharge until after. 
Day +57

Another bump: Bella's tests results show she is still positive for Sapo (diahreah stool virus) and Entero/Rhino (common cold) virus.  Although we were so excited to announce she cleared the Rota virus, it was quite upsetting to hear that she still has these other 2 viruses. But, they are still a carrier type, she shows no symptoms, she's not coughing or sneezing. Just that her system hasn't been able to completely clear them yet. 

We are still waiting to hear about her 2 major blood tests that were drawn this past week. I should know more by the end of this week. 
Bella's April/May Post BMT Calendar. 
Her counts are shown on Mondays and Thursday's. Can you tell I like decorating it with stickers? Ha ha. Bella and I have "Sticker-Time Play" everyday for her calendar. She points out a sticker in her sticker book that she wants and plays with it. I add stickers to her calendar. 
Day +60

It's the Little Things
That make you smile, take a moment, and cherish life. 
1. Her first time on a swing.  Bella's a year and a half old and just this past week was able to enjoy the fun a playground swing brings. 
2. We get outside on a daily basis now.
3. She loves the slides too.
4. Bella is tasting food again and using her sippy cup more!
Day +55

5. Bella is great at crawling, bear crawling, but prefers to walk holding on to my hands. She's crawling over physio blocks the size of small suitcases, but prefers to stand, step and walk.
6. She hugs my neck and kisses my cheek.
7. She has not been puking! 
8. No fevers since the 17th.
9. She's up to 2 one hour bolus feeds in a day.
10. I had a group of "20-Something's" ladies request to see my wedding ring set while out for supper with Lyle yesterday. They just thought it was georgeous. 
11. Bella's down from 12 meds to 10.
12. Lyle's sister Melissa and family (the Wiley's) had their church have Bella as a part of their Mass today. 

Hospital Mom Hacks
I'm continuing to add to my YouTube channel and very happy to be as stress free as I am, to keep up with it. I had a great meeting with the RMH communications director and she helped me understand a lot more about how I can progress with my channel and keep it at its best in order to help as many hospital parents as I can. We are working on more plans to promote my channel for family centered care through the Ronald McDonald House. I'm very happy with the progress and will keep you all updated with what's to come. For now, please feel free to share my channel info with whoever you think it may help. I have 14 videos now. Here is a link to my most recent one: 


  1. Hi Kayla,

    My name is Danielle. My little boy Emerson was diagnosed with SCID May 1st.. We are currently at Childrens with our babe. Id love to hear your story and see how your transplant went, Im terrified of our road ahead. Praying for your baby girl to stay healthy!


  2. Hi Danielle! Sorry I took so long to reply. I hope to find u on Facebook or the ACH Facebook parent page, now that Bella is discharged. I hope we can connect soon and share our stories of our lil ones. I hope to help u as much as I can.

  3. Hello,
    My little buddy, colton, was diagnosed with SCID 6 days after birth. He is 6 weeks old now and has a central line placed and the hospital has contacted marrow banks to contact his 3 potential donors. Havent heard anything else about that yet. He had a bronchoscopy today for what looked like inflamation in his lungs on a CT and that came back negative for viruses and nothing looked abnormal. He also had his FIRST IVIG infusion today. He took it like a champ and slept through most of it getting up to eat towards the very end. We go to clinic about 2x per week now and thats a hike for us. He is also hyperkolemic for an unknown reason. Hes doing pretty good so far and i appreciate your blog so i know what to expect in the near future.
