Friday 3 July 2015

DAY +100 • A Day in Pictures

100 Days
from chemo
from,"She might not make it."
from March 25
from her BMT
from her only cure

100 More
of strength and growth
of weaning meds
of crawling to walking
of fun at RMH
of eating!

100 After That
to finally move home
to see many more birthdays
to love her dog
to see her whole family 
to show the world she's fierce. 

Day +100
There has been lots of talk about this day from the beginning of Bella's BMT process, its a big milestone day. The biggest after her Day Zero (The day she got her BMT)
Today is essentially the 3 month mark post transplant. When we receive her Immune Deficiancy Panel bloodwork next week, it's the first real point where they can tell us how well her Tcells and Bcells are working together. Aka: How well her new immune system is functioning. 
Her BMT team still warns us that we should not get too excited, they still may need more time to see what they want, and that can be fine. But there are some pretty big clues that they'll see what they want out of this 100 day blood work. Some of those being that Bella has had no infections or sickness, no signs of acute GVHD or any GVHD at all, and she is maintaining her own IGG (antibodies) levels! 
Today is also a day to celebrate the fact that Bella's med schedule changes for the better too! She has less meds (from 8 down to 7) and less doses of those meds. So instead of having to give her meds at: 7am, 8, 11, 1pm, 5,7 and 8pm. I now only have meds to give at 7am and 7pm...8am and 8pm. Cheers to a much more manageable med schedule!
Bella's Day 100 bloodwork will set the rules for her next type of isolation or protection. Her meds are at a great balance right now but still causing her to be immune Supressed. This means depending on how her new cells are doing, they still adjust her meds so they don't come on too strong or too weak and cause GVHD. So the current balance of meds is great, but are still the reason she needs to be protected. If her new immune system is not quite at full functioning level, and we take her off supporting meds, and she gets a cold or infection it could be too much too fast. So she's still on a balance of profolactic meds and immune suppressent meds. 

Bowel Victory! 
Bella is officially off all bowel motility meds! For the first time since she was born, Bella has not required any meds to help her bowels work. They are fully functioning on their own... Absorbing nutrients, moving her formula meals through and she's pooping normally! No diareah, bloating or frequent stooling. I might be slightly more excited about this than her Day +100. Ha ha. 

A Day In Pictures • Day +100 • July 3rd
Bella's still sleeping as I prepare her morning meds at 7am. 
8am, Just woke up, mommy kisses and snuggles. 

Big smiles watching morning cartoons.

"Don't even think about touching my breakfast!" Nom Nom.
Dressed and ready for the day.

Off to clinic for bloodwork at 9am.

Having a snack and sitting nice and still as the nurse takes her blood. Prayer: "Thank God for a clean, and good working double lumin Broviak line for the rest of the time she needs it." Which will be months, they'll be doing blood work for many more months. 
Her fashionable soother clip to kick off Stampede, which starts today in Calgary.

After her nap Bella was invited to visit the Magic Room in the Ronald McDonald  House. The amazing, generous staff knew this was definitely a day to celebrate so Bella got to pick out a toy! She was so excited. 
I may have been a bit excited too. :)  Bella got this beautiful big Klip Klop horse and princess palace. It's was quite the beast to set up but she loves it. She plays so much with the Little People sets. She puts them in their chairs, moves them around their houses or puts them in the horse's saddles and moves them around. It's so cool to watch her play and use her toys like this. 
While Bella was nap'n I made cupcakes for the house and of course one for her to smash. 
So I'm realizing she's not much of a "sweets" eater. In the pics she rather eat her veggie crisps or the apple. Ha ha. She barely touched the cupcake. She did the same at supper last night. She had bites of chicken and veggie rice, but didn't want any icecream. 
We had some fun in the Craft Room with stickers. 

After a bedtime bath, Bella played for a while with her new Princess/Horse palace. 
Happy Day +100 Lovebug
Mommy and Daddy love you 100 times more then there are stars in the sky. 


  1. It looks like she had a magical day!! Xo

  2. Yes! Was such a wonderful day and Lyle made it in late so Bella was super excited to see him this morning when she woke up.
    And a HUGE thank you to the mom who told me about the Glad Cling Wrap Saran Wrap for bath time.
