Saturday 28 March 2015

Day +2 Post BMT

Bella has been doing so well after her transplant. The doctors are very pleased with how everything is going for her. They have been doing daily blood work for all the checks they need on Bella. This will continue for a little while. They have necessary blood work checks, but don't want to take so much blood that they have to give her blood, for that purpose. For now they'll continue on as is. 
It's expected that Bella feel quite tired and a bit fussy, but we have seen a rare smile and giggle here and there. Especially when her favorite cartoon comes on. (Toopy and Binoo)
I caught this big smile because I knew her cartoon was coming up. 

The chemo is still doing its job in terms of wiping her cell count clean as to make sure the new donor cells can set up shop and graft, making her a new immune system. They say besides being tired a lot (which she is) she may still develop mouth sores and a real sore bum. But neither have happened so far, so that's good. :) Bella's naps have been pretty inconsistent ( before chemo she was like clockwork) but she has been sleeping through the whole night really well. She still has quite a bit of her blonde locks too. They are watching her counts daily and they know what to expect. They can fluctuate up and down a bit. But when her Nutrafills are at 500 for 3 days solid, that's when they are confident in saying she's grafted or "date of engraftment." 
Bella has been the most cuddly ever, in the last few days. She nuzzles in so so much and Lyle n I are eating it up. She's such a big cuddle bug lately. She opens up her arms, reaches out and requests "momma" or "dada."  Sadly for me, it's more dada requests. Haha
She is still super chatty and saying more words still. My favorite is when she drops something, or even when I drop something she says, "Uh Oh."  It's so freak'n cute how she says it. 

Our Childlife team made Bella this amazing calendar! If you know me, you'll know this is right up my alley. I love it!



  1. This absolutely made my day Kyla and Lyle! I'm so happy Bella is doing good...she will get stronger every day! ☺

  2. Thanks so much Nichole. We have more happy news to come. Bella is still doing really well as it is day +6 today and she's even more smiley and happy.
