Friday 12 December 2014

Medical Update: Dec 12th, '14

Below I posted pictures of some of the notes I take in my 15 section binder of the 20 (yes 20, not counting nurses and residents) medical specialists/doctors that see Bella daily/weekly. I have to write things down in a binder with sections to keep things straight because sometimes within the time frame of Bella waking up at 8am - 12pm... 10-15 different people have cycled thru Bella's door. This may be for tests, blood work, updates, checks, assessments, physio, etc. So I write it all down.

I think I should just wear a Scrooge hat for now so people arnt so surprised when I respond to them. But honestly, most days I can't process fast enough to get a proper sentence out of my mouth. Today the Nurse Practioner for Bella's BMT team popped in to introduce herself to me. This being at 4:45pm today, after a bad morning, Bella barely napped, I'm stressed cause with everything going on I feel like I never get just mommy time with her... So I'm Scrooge. 
So this lady barely gets a sentence out and I interupt her and im like, "Look lady, I'm not Gona remember who u are or what u want unless you write it down and I got my hands full with a dirty diaper and a kid that hasn't nap'd right now, so either spit it out in one sentence or write it down."
And she goes on to give me the whole shpeal... Bless her heart I look at her and tell her in my kindest Scrooge tone, " I'm not Gona remember any of that."

1. What we know and r waiting on
2. BMT process, simple outline for the current info we have on Bella.
3. Notes I leave in Bella's room for the nurses and volunteers when I am gone for a meeting with a doctor. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job keeping all of that information together Kyla! I don't know how you do it. I'm glad to hear the BMT process is underway. We are all praying for a match for Bella real soon!
